Provide and Inject in Vue.js

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. One of the key features of Vue.js is its ability to manage component dependencies through the use of the provide and inject properties.

The provide property is used to make a property or method available to all child components of a particular component. This can be useful for sharing data or methods between components without having to pass them down through multiple levels of props.

For example, let's say we have a parent component that needs to share a value with all of its child components. We can use the provide property to make this value available to the child components without having to pass it through multiple levels of props.


export default {
  provide() {
    return {
      sharedValue: this.sharedValue,
  data() {
    return {
      sharedValue: 'Hello World',

In the above example, the sharedValue is made available to all child components as a property on their this context.

On the other hand, the inject property is used to consume properties or methods provided by parent components. This allows child components to access values or methods that are defined in a parent component without having to pass them down through multiple levels of props.

For example, let's say we have a child component that needs to access the sharedValue provided by the parent component. We can use the inject property to consume this value and make it available to the child component.

    {{ sharedValue }}

export default {
  inject: ['sharedValue'],

In the above example, the sharedValue is made available to the child component as a property on its this context, and can be accessed and rendered in the template.

In summary, provide and inject are powerful features in Vue.js that allow components to share data and methods without having to pass them down through multiple levels of props. These properties make it easy to manage component dependencies and keep your code organized and maintainable.